Goji berries are delicious and convenient snacks for any time of the day. But did you know that the goji berry benefits your health and well-being too? There are dozens of benefits of goji berries, but these are the top 5.
The Benefits of Goji Berries
1. High In Antioxidants
We live in an incredibly toxic world, exposed to chemicals everywhere. These chemicals can cause a real strain on the body. Free radicals produced run riot in the body, damaging cells and tissues throughout. If left unchecked, they can cause illness and chronic disease. However, goji berries have incredibly high levels of antioxidants. These can protect the body from the damage of free radicals by reducing the levels of oxidative stress.
Foods that are naturally high in antioxidants are thought to be protective in many chronic conditions, including cancer, diabetes, and obesity.
2. Natural Anti-inflammatory
We all deal with inflammation on a daily basis. Whether it’s an acute injury that swells, like a twisted ankle, or a chronic health condition, a lot of the symptoms come back to inflammation.
Chronic inflammation goes hand-in-hand with oxidative stress, as both a cause and an outcome. It contributes to the vicious cycle that makes us sicker and in pain. However, this doesn’t have to be inevitable.
Goji berries have been shown to demonstrate anti-inflammatory actions when tested by research. This means that by enjoying a tasty dose of berries, you can treat yourself naturally for any pain or inflammation you’re experiencing.
3. Nature’s Multivitamin
Many people take artificial vitamins to ‘cover themselves’, in case of any deficiencies. But why would you swallow a tablet every day when you could just enjoy the benefits of goji berries instead?
Goji berries are naturally high in many vitamins and minerals needed for optimal health and well-being. They have plenty of vitamins A and C, as well as minerals such as iron, potassium and zinc.
By including goji berries into your daily diet, you’re ensuring that you get a dose of some of your most essential nutrients – without having to swallow pills to do it.
4. Low GI
So many of us have a sweet tooth. However, most treats are packed full of sugar and sweeteners that are no good for our bodies. These can cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels, leading to mood swings, hormone dysregulation and weight gain.
Luckily, goji berries are full of sweetness, but have a naturally low GI level. This means that they have a lesser impact on blood sugar levels. This makes them the perfect snack for anyone wanting steady energy or a sweet option that’s weight loss friendly.
5. Immune Booster
Do you pick up every bug that goes around the office? Or maybe you start sniffling as soon as the weather cools down? Having poor immunity can have a big impact on your life, but you don’t have to settle for being eternally sick.
Goji berries are full of the nutrients needed to support a healthy immune system. Vitamins like A and C, minerals such as zinc, and antioxidants work together to build the immune system up. The high fiber content also feeds your gut flora, one of the first lines of defense against infection.
These are just some of the goji berry benefits that you can enjoy today. Whether you add them in a snack, include them in baking, or mix into your favorite breakfast, they are a tasty daily addition.