What is camu camu?
Camu camu is the newest superfood on the block. The reason for its late entry is that it is somewhat more rare than other superfoods such as blue berries or spirulina. It only grows in flooded regions, including Brazil, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela.
Here are our top three picks for camu camu powder.
Maju Superfoods Organic Camu Camu Powder
Maju Superfoods Organic Camu Camu Powder is 100% USDA certified organic. The camu camu berries originate from Peru. Maju Superfoods is a reputable brand offering a 30-day money back guarantee, and this is one of the best sources of camu camu powder available. The reviews on Amazon testify to its potency, and ailments of all types have been cured, from gum and nose bleeding, mood, stamina, energy, colds, and viruses. It is one of the best brands available, tastes well and the effects are immediate. The customer service from the company is also second to none if there are any issues with the order. This brand also tastes fantastic, and is a great addition to morning orange juice.
Kiva Organic Camu Camu powder
Kiva Organic Camu Camu powder comes in a pouch unlike Maju’s container. It is 100% organic camu camu powder, non-GMO, raw, fair trade and naturally fit for vegan consumption. Much like Maju’s’ camu camu, Kivas’s organic camu camu powder is sourced from banks of the Amazon river in Peru. Again, customers experience of this product is overwhelmingly positive and with good reason.
Terrasoul Organic Superfoods Camu Camu Powder
Terrasoul Organic Superfoods Camu Camu Powder is a low-temperature milled form of camu camu powder. Like all good brands of camu camu it is raw, vegan, organic, gluten-free and non-GMO. In other words, it contains camu camu and only camu camu. The berries are harvested along the banks of the amazon river in Peru, as this is where the best camu camu berries are grown, richest in antioxidants, amino acids, minerals, phytochemicals, beta carotene, and iron. The low-temperature drying process ensures that all the nutrients are perfectly preserved before human consumption. Like the Kiva brand, it comes in a bag with a zipper, which is convenient for preservation and also for taking the powder on the go.
What are the health benefits of camu camu?
It is renowned for its antioxidant properties. It is also reported to be a natural energy booster as well as an anti-viral for cold sores, shingles and the cold. Along with vitamin C, the camu camu berry contains valine, potassium, leucine, serine, flavonoids, gallic acid and ellagic acid. One study found that camu camu berries significantly decreased inflammation as opposed to vitamin C tablets alone. The study participants were regular smokers.
A darker color of camu camu is better.
Camu camu has a lot going for it. Camu camu is itself a supreme source of vitamin C. One teaspoon contains 1180 % of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, 60 times more than an orange. It is important to get the best brand of camu camu powder, and below is a list of 3 of the best brands on the market. Because of its rarity camu camu can be a little more expensive than typical superfoods, but for the increased benefits it is worth the purchase. The vitamin C in camu camu is more bioavailable than normal forms of Vitamin C and this is what leads to its effectiveness. When purchasing camu camu powder, the darker the better, as this generally means it contains more nutrients.